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Technical Assistance Center

Image Credit: FHWA

TAC Services Overview

The SS4A Technical Assistance Center (TAC) provides resources and training for SS4A grant recipients. The SS4A TAC is part of the broader grant program and provides informational and educational resources for SS4A grant recipients and stakeholders who support SS4A grant recipients.
Community of Practice
Gear icon framed by dotted border with person icons in each corner
An interactive forum for recipients to learn from and share solutions with each other.
Resource Library
computer icon with 6 person icons framed by the screen
One-stop library with relevant resources, trainings, data sources, and noteworthy practices from the U.S. Department of Transportation and other organizations.
icon of a note, pencil, and a diamond
SS4A newsletters and blog posts to update recipients on SS4A and SS4A TAC activities.
One-on-One Coaching
icon of two people engaged in one-on-one conversation
Transportation safety specialists are available to answer direct questions from grant recipients, share helpful resources, and recommend next steps to address grant recipient specific needs.

Who can I contact for personalized coaching?

man wearing headphones is sitting at his desk in front of a computer. Image Credit: AdobeStock_392700319

Request a one-on-one coaching session with a transportation specialist to discuss your roadway safety challenges as your work through your Action Plan, demonstration activities, and/or implantation grant! Whether you have a specific question or want to share what you’re working on, our transportation safety staff are here to help. During the session, we recommend next steps and share helpful resources based off your needs. Coaching session topics include, but are not limited to, how to analyze safety data, host public engagement activities, and project selection strategy.

For general inquiries and questions please contact your primary FHWA POC or email the SS4A team.

About SS4A

Cyclist on bike path alongside a road with traffic, with tall city buildings and a blue sky in the background. Image Credit: FHWA

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) established the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary program with $5 billion in appropriated funds over five fiscal years, 2022-2026. The SS4A program funds regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. The SS4A program supports the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Roadway Safety Strategy and its goal of zero roadway deaths using a Safe System Approach.

Learn more about the National Roadway Safety Strategy

Learn more about the Safe System Approach (SSA)

Grant Types

The program supports the development of a comprehensive safety action plan (Action Plan) that identifies the most significant roadway safety concerns in a community and the implementation of projects and strategies to address roadway safety issues. Action Plans are the foundation of the SS4A grant program. SS4A requires an eligible Action Plan be in place before applying to implement projects and strategies. The SS4A program provides funding for two types of grants:
Planning and Demonstration Grants
checklist icon with a lit lightbulb overlayed
Also known as Action Plan Grants in the first grant cycle, Planning and Demonstration Grants provide Federal funds to develop, update, or supplement a comprehensive safety action plan, including through demonstration activities.
Implementation Grants
gear icon with three upward-pointing arrows, increasing in height from left to right
Implementation Grants provide Federal funds to implement projects and strategies identified in an Action Plan to address a roadway safety problem. Eligible projects and strategies can be infrastructural, behavioral, and/or operational activities.

Want To Learn More?

About SS4A Grants
The SS4A program funds regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries.
How To Apply
The Fiscal Year 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is now closed, but you can review application and eligibility requirements to prepare for the Fiscal Year 2025 NOFO.
Eligibility and Requirements
The Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program is focused on improving roadway safety for all users by reducing and eliminating serious injuries and fatal crashes.
Awarded Projects
Check out all Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant awards that the U.S. Department of Transportation has announced to date.


December 2024 calendar icon
December 2024 SS4A CoP Peer Exchange: Safety Social
Are you interested in discussing roadway safety insights and lessons learned with like-minded SS4A grant recipients? Would you like to identify potential areas of collaboration with your peers? Join the SS4A team for an hour of networking with your peers to learn about their Action Plans and development process.
December 2024 calendar icon
December 2024 Community of Practice Meeting: Turning Your Action Plan into Funded Projects
As you begin to plan the next steps in your roadway safety journey, your attention will most likely shift to implementing the strategies identified in your Action Plan. SS4A is here to help you identify and navigate potential funding options that can help turn your Action Plan into funded roadway safety projects. Whether you just started developing your Action Plan or are nearly finished, now is a great time to start those conversations so that the momentum from developing your Action Plan can carry over for your community.
During the webinar, the SS4A Team and FHWA Transportation Specialist Karen Scurry will join us to talk about:
  • Finding opportunities to fund your Action Plan projects
  • How to incorporate content in your Action Plan to help secure project funding
  • Examples of how SS4A grant recipients can coordinate with their respective States regarding Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding.
September 2024 calendar icon
Introductory Webinar for FY24 SS4A Grant Recipients
This webinar will provide SS4A FY24 grant recipients with an introduction to the SS4A program and describe next steps in developing and executing grant agreements.
September 2024 calendar icon
September 2024 Community of Practice Meeting: The Safe System Approach Peer-to-Peer Panel Discussion
The Safe System Approach (SSA) continues to be embraced by the transportation community as an effective way to address and mitigate the risks inherent in our complex transportation system. This approach focuses on both human mistakes AND human vulnerability and designs a system with many redundancies in place to protect everyone. In this webinar, fellow SS4A grant recipients will share their experiences incorporating this approach into their comprehensive safety action plans and projects. Participants will hear first-hand from their peers about how they made the SSA a key part of their efforts, the thought processes involved, and the factors that influenced and shaped their final products.
August 2024 calendar icon
August 2024 SS4A CoP Peer Exchange: Comprehensive Safety Action Plans and Your Safety Story
The SS4A Community of Practice's third peer exchange will be on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 and will focus on Comprehensive Safety Action Plans (Action Plans) and your safety story. The August Peer Exchange is open to Planning and Demonstration grant recipients working on their Action Plans. The August meeting will be limited to 50 participants.
July 2024 calendar icon
July 2024 Community of Practice Meeting: Safe System Approach
During the July Community of Practice meeting, FHWA will provide an in-depth review of the Safe System Approach and discuss how SS4A grant recipients can use the Safe System Approach to maximize the benefits of their projects.
June 2024 calendar icon
Introductory Webinar for FY24 SS4A Grant Recipients
This webinar will provide SS4A FY24 grant recipients with an introduction to the SS4A program and describe next steps in developing and executing grant agreements.
June 2024 calendar icon
June 2024 SS4A CoP Peer Exchange: Comprehensive Safety Action Plan
The June CoP Peer Exchange will focus on Comprehensive Safety Action Plans and Your Safety Story. Each breakout room will discuss the different Action Plan components. The June Peer Exchange is open to SS4A grant recipients that meet Peer Exchange eligibility requirements. The June meeting is limited to 40 participants.
May 2024 calendar icon
SS4A Quarterly Reporting Webinar
This webinar reviews the quarterly reporting requirements for SS4A grant recipients, including the two quarterly reporting forms: Performance Progress Report and Federal Financial Report. The webinar provides an overview of the key parts, fields, and data required in each form.
April 2024 calendar icon
April 2024 Community of Practice Meeting: Procurement
The April Community of Practice meeting provides SS4A grant recipients with information related to procurement standards documented within 2 CFR 200. The webinar discusses the 2 CFR 200 requirements that dictate how grant recipients acquire goods and services and answers questions about the procurement process.
March 2024 calendar icon
March 2024 Peer Exchange: Data Collection
The SS4A Community of Practice’s inaugural peer exchange focuses on data collection. The March exchange is open to rural Planning and Demonstration grant recipients who are not using consultants or contractors for their data analysis. The March meeting is limited to 40 participants on a first come, first served basis.
January 2024 calendar icon
Introductory Webinar for FY23 Grant Recipients
The SS4A Initial Webinar for Grant Recipients describes next steps for grant recipients and Division Office staff. Topics include program overview, roles and responsibilities, key program requirements, and preparing for the project kick-off meeting.
November 2023 calendar icon
Community of Practice Kickoff Meeting
The Community of Practice Kickoff Meeting describes the benefits of SS4A grant recipient participation in the CoP and opportunities for grant recipients to get involved. The meeting also includes a presentation from the Vision Zero Network about building strong stakeholder coalitions.

Community of Practice Overview

The SS4A Community of Practice (CoP) serves as an opportunity for grant recipients to share noteworthy practices, resources, and solutions to advance roadway safety at the regional, local, and Tribal levels.

Opportunities to Get Involved

CoP Meetings
icon of 3 people in a circle with a chat bubble in the center
  • Who: Grant recipients
  • What: Webinars with guest speakers and subject matter experts on relevant grants management and roadway safety topics
  • When: Quarterly
Peer Exchange Meetings
icon of two pepple sitting across a table with chat bubbles between them
  • Who: Select grant recipients, based on topic and meeting audience
  • What: Facilitated discussions for small groups on specific roadway safety or Action Plan development topics
  • When: Quarterly
Success Stories
spiral notebook icon with overlaid pencil
  • Who: Anyone
  • What: Sharing a project story, case study, or win that others can learn from
  • When: Ongoing

Success Stories

Submit Your Success Story

woman smiling and standing over her laptop with coworkers around a table. Image Credit: AdobeStock_300144034

Please contact the SS4A team to share your success story that could be featured on the CoP webpage as a case study or notable practice and shared with other grant recipients.

Highlighted Publications from Transportation Partners

Guidelines for Creating an Effective Vision Zero Action Plan, from Vision Zero Network.
This guide lays out foundational elements and actionable strategies for creating a strong action plan considering community engagement and attention to equity.
Vision Zero and Safe Routes to School: Partners in Safety, from Safe Routes Partnership
This report highlights the benefits from closer alignment between Safe Routes to School and Vision Zero, explains how to get involved, and offers examples of how action plans improved safety for children.
A Blueprint for Healthier, Safer Streets: Complete Streets Videos, from Transportation for America
This article includes three videos telling the story of different U.S. cities that adopted exemplary Complete Streets policies providing insight into what this approach can accomplish.

Quarterly Newsletters and Blog Posts

Recent Publications
September 2024 Newsletter
We’re thrilled to share with you the third edition of the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) newsletter! In this edition, you will find program updates, our first grant recipient story highlight, new resources and trainings, and a spotlight on The National Center for Rural Road Safety.
June 2024 Newsletter
We’re celebrating an exciting and productive past few months, where USDOT has achieved significant milestones, including publishing the FY24 NOFO and the launch of the SS4A Clearinghouse website, a one-stop shop for technical assistance and resources.
March 2024 Newsletter
As the SS4A team reflects on the past year, we are excited to share our progress in the first edition of our quarterly newsletter. This publication will share program updates, highlight key developments, and provide a sneak peek into upcoming activities.
SS4A Making Rural Communities Safer
Through the allocation of awards to rural communities, USDOT showcases its commitment to the priority actions outlined in the National Roadway Safety Strategy, while making advancements toward the goal of zero fatalities and serious injuries on our nation’s roadways.

How Can We Help You?

We know you have questions! Search below to find FAQs from your fellow grant recipients.

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Grant Application (Pre-Award)
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Grant Administration
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Planning and Demonstration Grants
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Implementation Grants
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Technical Assistance Center
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All Frequently Asked Questions

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